The 4Ps of Content is a privately designed executive learning and development course that does not offer any external institution accreditation. If you work at a larger corporation, you may be required to provide such an accreditation if you are seeking reimbursement, or expense claims, for your course fees.

We chose not to pursue accreditation for two reasons:

1) Our course content is almost exclusively based on real-world examples work on our clients brands and our own. We are teaching what we know works and have seen in practice. This cannot be peer reviewed.

2) The social media and content industry moves very quickly. We have committed our resources to ensuring the 4Ps is updated regularly and remains relevant, rather than aligning ourselves with external institutions.

That being said, we have a comprehensive website that covers the benefits of The 4Ps of Content workshops and programs. We also offer a FAQ section and can support your case to receive a reimbursement from your employer by responding to your questions on our contact form.