We're a management consulting firm that cross dresses as a content agency.
Before we begin, here’s what you need to know:
Creative Content Agency (CCA): Established in 2006 by entrepreneur Raj Kotecha, CCA started off as an online entertainment company producing celebrity videos for distribution on MySpace, Facebook, YouTube and other emerging video platforms of the time. The business was supported by a live events division, furthering the opportunities to make content in other sectors including venture capital, tech, media, music, education and e-commerce. Since 2008, the agency has almost exclusively been operating as a consultancy and producer for market leading brands in the UK and Dubai.
4Ps of Content: With thousands of pieces of content commissioned by brands completed by CCA, Raj Kotecha was an early thought-leader on content best practice and trends. It was during preparation for a series of speaking engagements in 2008 that he spotted four key areas that both underpinned what the industry wished him to speak on, and had been driving the success of content campaigns in his agency. These 4Ps of Content remain true today.